Week in Review: 3.9-3.15

  • Monday was a bit rough. My meds are kicking my butt lately, and after taking them with my breakfast, while getting ready for work, my breakfast decided to make a reappearance. That was a joyous day..
  • The sickness really only lasts until about 2:00. Totally strange, and I'm not pregnant. (That has led to some fun conversations at work.
  • Monday was also my co-worker Colton's birthday, so we convinced our boss to get us shakes from Coldstone. Score! Super delish!
  • Tuesday was kind of rough as well. I woke up grumpier than normal, got after Greg about my stupid hair, then proceeded the lengthy process of getting ready. I need to shave my head.
  • I had a hair appointment on Tuesday with Emy at Serendipity Salon. Emy banks at DFCU, and she is just the sweetest. She always does a great job with my hair, and is just a doll. She is seriously the cutest. She fixed me up, and make me look pretty. Too bad I can't copy it.
  • Wednesday I was able to talk with our HR guy from Salt Lake. He is really great too. I work for a great company.
  • Thursday was a long day. We had our Relief Society Birthday party that night, and I spent a lot of time on my feet. It was a long night, but we had a great turnout, which always makes me happy.
  • Friday was another interesting day. Everyone that came in had some random weird issue. I seriously got yelled at like five times. It was so crazy. Then there was just some crazy drama going on with the co-workers, nothing horrible, but it was making me really sad, and feel weird. I don't even know how to explain it. Just my meds messing with my emotions.
  • Saturday I got to work with Colton. He is just a sweet, fun kid. Any girls out there looking for a cute, fun, guy to date, let me know. I'll hook you up. He kept me laughing the whole time.
  • Saturday was also a beautiful day. I wish I felt better so that we could have gone for a walk, but with all the walking I did on Thursday, working all day Friday, then the shopping we did Saturday, I was done. I wish I were normal again.
What did your week look like? Jot down just the highlights. Keep it simple, or put together a fun photo collage of your week and post it on instagram using  #MyDailyLife_WIR.