The past few weeks I have been struggling to come up with a lesson topic. Being in the Relief Society presidency, I get to teach the first Sunday lesson in February. It's so interesting to me how last time I was teaching, I knew exactly what I wanted to teach. I felt good about it as I was preparing, and I felt good as I was delivering it. I knew that the Spirit was guiding me. This time, however, I am really struggling to come up with a topic. I've got about five that I could do, but I don't get the "this is it" feeling from any one specific. As I've prayed about it over the last few weeks, I decided yesterday in church that I would just start going through old conference talks and see if anything jumps out. The good thing about that is there are a lot of great talks that I've been able to read, the bad thing, nothing jumps out still, so I guess I'll keep going. Not that that's a bad thing. Anytime you have the opportunity to read the words of our prophet and apostles is on that you should take. I have found some great thoughts, and this is one that I wanted to share. It comes from President Thomas S. Monson's talk called, "I Will Not Fail Thee, Nor Forsake Thee."
When I heard this talk, I just knew that it was a direct message from the Lord, for me. As I have experienced many trials over the last few years, I know that it is only to help me learn, grow, and become stronger. I also love how it doesn't say "the trials through which we MIGHT pass," but rather "through which we MUST pass." We are going to have trials, it's part of why we're here on earth. It's part of our learning process. We can do it. We have a Heavenly Father who is there to comfort and guide us through the trials. They are necessary for us to be able to return to Him someday.
Monday Inspiration
Each day I receive an inspirational daily message from to my work email. As I was thinking about what I wanted this blog to include, I couldn't help but think of those daily messages. It has inspired me to really look and find quotes that I may need at this time, or that has touched me in some way. I encourage you, if you are following along, to find your own inspiration, and feel free to share either in the comments, or on Instagram using #MyDailyLife_Inspire.
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