My timeless photo today comes from December 23, 2013. I was in Cokeville visiting family, and while we were waiting for dinner, my nephew Aidan wanted to go play XBox. Since it was Sunday, Nana (aka, my mom) didn't want him to, so she told him that she knows how much he loves to draw, and I was artistic (ha!) and maybe I'd like to go draw with him. He was so excited, and went into the playroom where Nana and Papa had a table and chairs just his size, plus crayons and paper. So we set to work creating works of art. He taught me how to draw a city with Spiderman (his favorite). It was so fun. I just sat and watched him and his creativity just go crazy, and it was amazing. I loved how thoughtful he was with his art, and how he would get frustrated sometimes, but I wanted him to just keep going and know how great I thought he was doing. I enjoyed every second of it, and really will cherish this moment forever. I'm glad I was about to share it with him. It also made me want to be able to have those same moments with kids of my own someday. Whether it be spending time drawing, or doing something else they're interested in, I want to be there to work with them and continually encourage them to keep going.

Timeless Tuesday
Even though this blog is supposed to be documenting my "daily life", I feel that the past plays such a huge part in our daily lives, that we need to document it as well. One of my resolutions this year is to take more photos. I primarily use my phone, but I just want to capture everything. One thing I have a hard time doing though, is documenting photos from the past. I love finding timeless photos that just bring back so many wonderful memories, or lessons learned. Your challenge is to dig up a timeless photo that has meaning to you. Either link me up in the comments, or on Instagram using #MyDailyLife_Timeless