Lately I have had service on my mind. I don't know if it's because of my Relief Society Calling, or what, but I feel like I just need to serve more. Whether it be actual go out and serve, or just send a note or treat, I NEED to serve. I probably pass up way too many opportunities to provide some type of service, and I always get this knot in my stomach when I do. You would think I would learn to quit passing up these opportunities, but I don't. I need to just do it.

I love this quote because really, if you're searching for something more, lose yourself in the service of others. You won't regret it. You'll find that you are happier, and that in turn will spread to those around you.

What are your thoughts on this quote? Have you had the chance to "lose yourself in service?" Tell us about it. Write it down. Journal your thoughts.

Monday Inspiration
Each day I receive an inspirational daily message from to my work email. As I was thinking about what I wanted this blog to include, I couldn't help but think of those daily messages. It has inspired me to really look and find quotes that I may need at this time, or that has touched me in some way. I encourage you, if you are following along, to find your own inspiration, and feel free to share either in the comments, or on Instagram using #MyDailyLife_Inspire.