(A few pics that didn't make it on instagram)

It's amazing how during the week it seems to just be dragging, but by the time the weekend gets here and you look back over the previous week, it seems to have just flown by. Here are some highlights from this previous week.

Week in Review: 1.12-1.18
  • Greg was released as Elder's Quorum President, only to be called to speak in sacrament last week and to be a Gospel Doctrine teacher. He did a great job speaking, and I've heard quite a few people say how glad they are that he will be teaching.
  • We went to Coldstone Monday night, in the freezing cold, but it was oh so worth it! Love our Coldstone date nights.
  • Enrichment on Tuesday. We had my friend (and enrichment board leader) Melanie's neighbor come and teach the ladies Zumba. I was impressed by the number of sisters that showed up, and by the amount of fun that they had. It gave me hope for our future enrichment activities this year.
  • Wednesday I went out on visits with the Relief Society president, Betty. I am still so nervous about meeting new people, but I'm happy to go visit with her and at least say hi to the new sisters. I'm hoping that I will soon get over that fear and be able to be more effective on the visits.
  • My mom stopped by with some yummy taco soup and pizza pockets. Thanks mom!
  • I received my Studio Calico kits in the mail. So, so super excited to get to use them.
  • Spoke with my boss about my work hours. He told me to talk it over with Greg, and let him know what I was thinking. Since it's really something I've been thinking about for a while, I decided to try working a little less. I was really nervous to make that decision, but hope it will be for the best.
  • Got to work yesterday with Donna. She's awesome. I'm grateful that she is still there and that I get to work with her on a daily basis (and one Saturday a month).
  • We ordered pizza from Papa Johns (the best) and watched Face Off. Then just sat around. Super exciting!
What did your week look like? Jot down just the highlighs. Keep it simple, or put together a fun photo collage of your week and post it on instagram using  #MyDailyLife_WIR.