Thursday Three was developed by Kristin from RUKristin. You can read more about it {here}, then play along over on Instagram and follow me @bre11414.

  • I had a lot of work to do, so I used the empty office that we have, and as I sat there I thought, "Why isn't this my office all the time. It totally fits me." #kidding #notkidding #assistanttotheassistantmanager 
  • I'm grateful for little acts of kindness from people totally unexpected. Received one today and it really made me happy. It gave me a feeling of peace in an area of my life I haven't quite felt it. #ilovemyfamily
  •  I've been wanting to do a scrapbook of pictures and stories my grandma might have, and after tonight's Relief Society activity on record keeping, it has made me even more determined to do so. Also being better at scripture study. It was a great activity.