Sometimes I come up with these really great ideas, and then I get super excited about them, and then I get a few weeks into it, and 'give up'. Well, this time I really have it.
I want this next year to be the best year ever. And the year after that, and the year after that. I want to do something awesome with my life, so one needs goals. I've been doing this every year for the past few years, but this year I want to share my experiences, and get feedback and advice, and encouragement from you. Otherwise, this will just turn into another one of those epic fails.
I'm still in the process of completing my list, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know. Instead of doing vague goals like, "Lose weight" or "Organize my house," I went a bit more specific. I think you have to be, or else it's harder to feel like you've accomplished something.
Here is my list so far. I'll be explaining each one of the goals as time goes on, but I really good use a few more suggestions. I'm stuck. So, here we go...
28 things to do before I turn 29
2 // Write a note to 28 people
3 // Try 28 new recipes
5 // Begin a 50 states album
6 // Learn 10 fun facts about each state (to include in 50 states album)
7 // Create an exercise program for myself and do it at least 2 times a week
9 // Learn more about my ancestors
10 // Try 12 things I've pinned on Pinterest
12 // Perform 12 Random Acts of Kindness (RAK)
13 // Plan a girl's day out
14 // Read 28 new books
15 // Create and send 6 care packages
16 // Have 12 planned date nights with the hubby
17 // Run or walk a 5K
18 // Go 28 days without Facebook
19 // Take at least 3 pictures each day
20 // Memorize 28 scriptures
22 // Do something awesome with my hair
23 // Buy 2 new outfits
24 // Eat at 5 new places
25 // Go on a real vacation with Greg
26 //
27 //
28 //
Now I'm stuck. Help me out with those last three. I'm up for just about anything.
Like I said, I'll talk more about each one over time, and explain a little more about my intentions with this. I just need to get it out there, so I can be thinking about how to fulfill these. I made them easy enough to accomplish, but not so easy that I can do them all in one day. This is a daily challenge to help me become a better person mentally, spiritually, physically, and any other way I can be a better person.
I'm excited. Are you?