Thursday Three was developed by Kristin from RUKristin. You can read more about it {here}, then play along over on Instagram and follow me @bre11414.

    • Yesterday we had a few corporate people up and we were supposed to tell something unique about us. I am totally lame and had to say I graduated from a class of 15, because I have nothing interesting to tell people. I'm so annoyed with myself that I didn't have anything cooler. Seriously. I'm bugged!
    • I go to bed thinking about loans, I wake in the middle of the night thinking about loans, I dream about doing loans, and I wake up thinking about loans. I don't think that's healthy!
    • I REALLY want to go on a vacation. Thinking the coast (Oregon/Washington) or Canada or Colorado. Weird locations, but I have to choose something low key since I can't do much adventurous stuff.