• I don't like going to sleep, so I try to delay it as long as I can, then I wake up feeling sick and tired and grumpy.
  • When I make a sandwich the bread slices have to match up (like the shape) when I put them together, otherwise it drives me crazy.
  • I also despise showering in the morning (always have really), but more so now that its a million times harder, so in the morning my hair usually looks like I slept on wet hair...and I'm getting to the point I don't really care

Thursday Three
As I was thinking about how I was going to implement my "Daily Life" and ways that I could document my everyday, I stumbled across {this blog}. I absolutely loved a lot of her ideas, and I thought they were simple enough, yet effective in documenting my life. Head over to read the 'rules' and play along. So simple. I love it!