I don't really have an pictures that weren't posted to IG, so these are all repeats. Sorry! :)

Week in Review: 2.2-2.8
  • I didn't sleep so well Saturday night/Sunday morning. I woke up and puked a bit. Totally nasty. I think my new dose of meds is messing with me. It was not pretty. I felt a bit nauseous all day.
  • I got to teach on Sunday. Luckily I only have to teach about 3 times a year, but it always makes me so nervous, and I usually sweat like crazy. I taught on trials and adversity, and why we go through them, how to make it through, and blessings that come from them. I ramble sometimes when I get nervous, so hopefully I did okay.
  • I was also the only member of the presidency at church so I conducted, led the music, and taught. That was fun. I went home right after.
  • Superbowl Sunday. I was hoping the Broncos would win because I like Peyton Manning, but decided half way through to not become emotionally attached since they were getting (and got) blown out. It was sad.
  • Half-time show of Bruno Mars was good, though the Red Hot Chili Peppers were really strange.
  • I also had my first banana in a very long time. I'm trying to eat better. Bananas have never been my favorite. They are just strange texture wise, and have very little flavor. I think I ate 3 halves this week!
  • Because I hadn't been sleeping very well over the past few weeks, and I was sick Sunday, I decided to take a sick day Monday and stay home. I always feel bad, but since that was only my 2nd time calling in sick (not counting "the fall" days), I decided I really needed it. It was great. I slept in and just relaxed.
  • Greg got me a hot fudge sundae from McDonald's just because. Love him!
  • Tuesday we did good getting up early and ready for work, and then Greg locked the keys in the car. Whoops! I'm just glad that I'm now not the only one to do it.
  • Wednesday evening one of the sisters I visit teach called and asked if I could babysit for her the next morning from 7:30-9. I told her of course, but was really nervous about it. It went well though, and I even managed to get her little boy ready for school. Good job me!
  • We got McDonald's for breakfast on Saturday, and then were just lazy. It was so great!
  • I had to get fingerprinted for work on Saturday. I've been worried about it because my fingers are so messed up. Well, the officer said they probably wouldn't accept them, so she didn't charge me. Oh well. I guess I won't have to do mortgages now, right?
  • It snowed like crazy this week, and it was awesome. I love the snow. Hopefully we get a bit more before winter is over.
What did your week look like? Jot down just the highlights. Keep it simple, or put together a fun photo collage of your week and post it on instagram using  #MyDailyLife_WIR.