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Well, I gave my lesson yesterday. I think it went well. I gave it on trials & adversity. I think it was more for me than for anyone else. But this line stuck out to me. It's just a simple question, and one that could be asked for a number of things. As I've had a rough couple of weeks, I just need this good reminder to motivate me to keep going, and to finish strong.

Monday Inspiration
Each day I receive an inspirational daily message from to my work email. As I was thinking about what I wanted this blog to include, I couldn't help but think of those daily messages. It has inspired me to really look and find quotes that I may need at this time, or that has touched me in some way. I encourage you, if you are following along, to find your own inspiration, and feel free to share either in the comments, or on Instagram using #MyDailyLife_Inspire.