Not quite sure how exciting this past week has been, but I'll sure do my best to capture the highlights...

 Week in Review: 1.26-2.1
  • One of the positives of going into work an hour later is the extra time I have to get caught up on reading my scriptures, or conference talks. since I'm usually tired at the end of the day, it's nice to get them read earlier.
  • It's been a bit of a strange week. I've been a bit moody, and I'm not sure why. My stomach hasn't been very nice this past week, plus my head and body have been aching like crazy, It really has been strange.
  • Ever since the last orange vs red debate at work, we tend to have them a bit more often. Donna was wearing a pinkish sweater, and we were trying to figure out the correct color. It can be quite entertaining when you have a co-worker who thinks he is always right and will argue and  argue. Most the time we disagree to get him heated, which we does to us too, so it's all good.
  • Had a great Relief Society activities board meeting. We've got a fun activity planned for February that I'm super excited for. I'll post more about it after we have it.
  • Before going to the meeting I was trying to get something out of my purse, and I tripped over all our shoes, and stumbled and fell right on my butt. It hurt, but at least I didn't smack my head on anything.I'm a clutz, and I hate that I don't quite have the reflexes I once had.
  • It really hasn't snowed a whole lot lately, but Thursday we got a few flakes, and it was kind of a gloomy day, which normally I wouldn't mind, but with how the past weeks have been...
  • The lower part of my left leg was numb on Thursday, and has kind of been numb off and on. it's really strange, and I don't know whats causing it, but it kind of freaks me out,
  • Went to Coldstone..I got the Mint Mint Chocolate Chocolate Chip. Super delish! Great way to end the day/
  • Friday morning I spent creating my Visiting Teaching handouts. Yes I waited until the last day of the month. No, it won't happen again! They were really cute. I got the idea from {here}. You can see mine on instagram.
  • One Direction's new music video for 'Midnight Memories' came out, and luckily it was before I had to work! Yay!
  • Then I learned that a co-worker who had been mocking me forever for loving One Direction posted on Facebook that he liked on of their songs, so I took advantage and officially welcomed him to the 1D Fan Club. I spent my entire morning working on it. It was great.
  • The Relief Society is in charge of cleaning the church this month. Since Betty and Kelly were both gone (YIKES!), I was in charge this week. Greg and I went over Friday night and we cleaned the chapel and I wiped down the doors and pianos. Then Saturday morning I went over for a minute before work to give instructions to any ladies that showed up. Two showed up. But it's alright. Creepy guy was there to do whatever he does, so I'm not too worried about it.
  • I worked on Saturday with the newbie Colton, who is great. We got two awesome co-workers, and I'm glad for it. They make work easier, and more comfortable.
  • After work we went to Hastings, then got Cafe Rio, then relaxed, and watched Elysium. I also worked on my lesson for Relief Society. Glad that's over! Then we attempted sleep, I threw up sometime during the night, and then it was Sunday morning.

What did your week look like? Jot down just the highlights. Keep it simple, or put together a fun photo collage of your week and post it on instagram using  #MyDailyLife_WIR.